Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Two More

I got to cross off two more items on my list!

I was just informed I passed my CPS test, so I have completed:
90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.


And we finally did #47: Organize upstairs hall closet. Let me tell you how nice that is!

Movin' right along.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hey, I haven't done an update on here for a while. I really don't know where the time goes. So let's catch up!

Today I went and took the Certified Professional Secretary test. This covers #90 on the list: Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it. The test is a three part test that covers Management, Office Administration and Office Systems and Technology. I didn't prepare for the test very well, even though I've known I was going to take the test since July. I don't think I did that well, especially on the Management one. I spent a lot of time thinking "I have no freaking idea what the answer to this question is." Hopefully, I passed the other two. The test is given twice a year, and if I fail one part of it I can retake it again. Keep your fingers crossed that I managed to squeak by with a passing grade. I really don't want to have to do this again in May.

Anyway, let's look at what is completed on the list:

11. Take a knitting class
17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [5/5]
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy
20. Create plan to get out of debt
21. Create emergency fund
22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
24. File taxes before March 15th
29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [11 of 12 months]
32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
35. Organize craft supplies and projects
40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
42. Fix blue room floor
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list
55. Walk in 3 fund raising events (Walk for the Animals, Breast Cancer, etc) [2/3]
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [3/5]
67. Take Sophie lure coursing and/or racing
68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [5/5]
83. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Mom
84. See the new elephant while it is still a baby at the Oregon Zoo
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.
90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.
95. Find 10 letterboxes that were planted before I started letterboxing [6/10]

Getting there!

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Do You All Think?

Last night Greg & I went out to dinner to a restaurant we've gone to many times before. I had a coupon for a free entree if you bought 2 drinks and other other entree. We decided not to buy drinks, so I didn't use the coupon. As I was leaving, I gave the coupon to the four people at the table across from us who looked like they did meet the coupon rules. They were very surprised and seemed pleased. Do you think I can count this as a random act of kindness? It was one of those things I didn't even think about, I just did it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I walked in the Relay for Life this past Friday. So I get to check off one number 55 - Walk in 3 fund raising events. Whee!

I also get to check off 23 (Stop using & destroy all credit cards). I shredded every one of those suckers.

And number 29 (Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [7 of 12 months]) moves to 7 of 12 months

And I started number 87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.

Movin' right along.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

One More Down

One of my goals was to take Sophie racing and/or lure coursing again. I have technically done this. My original thought when I made the goal was to take her to a lure trial or a race meet and have her compete, but I have realized since I've taken her to a practice and a mini-lure course that it wouldn't be safe for her to do this. She's not as young as she used to be and she's gotten hurt both times she's run lately. It wouldn't be smart to run her in a whole meet.

So, since I technically took her to do both, I am callling this one done.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July Update

According to my last update (Yikes! It was February 19th!) I had completed 9 items and started 21 items on my list, leaving 71 items untouched. Let’s update what I’ve done in the past 5 months.

The List

Bold = completed
Italic = in progress

Things to do with Traveling
1. Visit all Oregon Lighthouses [0/8]
2. Meet Deb somewhere for a girl's weekend
3. Visit Roswell, NM
4. Camp at Gilliland Ranch in Trout Lake
5. Have lunch or dinner at Camp 18. Spend time enjoying the history there.
6. Take Ann to the Oregon Garden
7. Go on vacation with a couple we like
8. Go to England
I haven’t done a single item in this section to date. I haven’t even planned to do anything yet.

Things to do for Health
9. Loose 50 pounds [5/50]
I’ve lost a couple more pounds but nothing significant. I have to admit to not really trying.

10. Get anemia to normal level and keep it there for 6 months
I’ve been working hard on this one. I still don’t have my levels normal yet, but I am still taking my iron and seeing my doctor. She is sending So far I’ve done an endoscopy and a colonoscopy neither of which revealed any reason for the levels to be remaining low. My doctor is sending to a hematologist next week to see what he can do. Once we get his verdict then we can start on another path. Right now I’m focusing on taking the right dosage of iron.

Things to Learn or Create
11. Take a knitting class
12. Take a crocheting class
13. Take a digital photography class
14. Take a shooting class
15. Take a Adobe Photoshop Elements class or other digital scrapbooking class
16. Take a massage class
17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [2.5/5]
I have another ½ of a blanket done. I need to get moving on this one.

18. Take a loom knitting class
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy

Things to Do With Finances
20. Create plan to get out of debt

We have created the plan. We are executing the plan and it will be done July 27th.

21. Create emergency fund
We are working on this one. I need to refine this goal a little more and assign a dollar value to the emergency fund, so I know when we have reached the goal.

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
We’ve developed the budget but haven’t quite managed to stick to it for 30 days.

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
I think we can successfully call this one done! Boy did it feel good to feed those credit cards to the shredder!

24. File taxes before March 15th
Got this one done under the wire, but the taxes were done before the 15th.

25. Donate $5 to charity for every uncompleted goal on this list

Things to Nurture Relationships
26. Have 'date night (or afternoon)' with Greg once a month for 6 months
27. Call Jim & Pattie and make a date to get together with them
28. Get together with Bonnie for crafts or games
29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [7 of 12 months]
Been keeping up nicely with this one. 7 out of 12 months done!

30. Make Christmas presents for family 2009
31. Do 30-day Husband Encouragement Challenge

32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
I’ll even move it to my 2010 calendar!

Things to Organize
33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
This project will take forever! I need to commit to doing this on a regular basis. I did clean out about 4 months of emails this weekend.

34. Organize pictures into proper folders, add dates, add titles
35. Organize craft supplies and projects
Hey, this one is done! I’ve got them all up on a rack in the closet and easily accessible.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76/1001]
This goal is a really good one, but I neglected to do a good job of keeping track of the items we’ve gotten rid of. Any suggestions on how to estimate?

37. Create functional area to do and store crafts
I’m calling this one done. The floor is done in the room I want to use and all the craft stuff is organized and handy. I just need to do the projects now!

38. Completely organize my bedroom
There is only a little bit left on this one. Why haven’t I finished it yet????

39. Organize iTunes library
I found another box of CDs that I am downloading to my iPod. I think I’ll be doing this forever!

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
This seems to be an on-going goal. I went through and unsubscribed from a ton of them, but I still seem to get a lot. I’ll do another pass through then call it good.

41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you can
I went through a lot of old paperwork and set aside a ton to shred. Still working on the rest of the file system.

Things to Do Around the House
42. Fix blue room floor
Yay! It is done. We’ve got the floor back in place, the trim up and it all looks great!

43. Finish the floors once and for all time
44. Finish painting the family room / kitchen area
45. Get sewing machine fixed
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
47. Organize upstairs hall closet
48. Organize office closet
49. Put together dresser, decide where to put it and what to put in it and do it
50. Finish home remodel and sell house by Winter 2009
51. Declutter each room in the house [1/11]
I’ve done the laundry room so far. Still working on the others!

52. Re-read "Sink Reflections" and re-implement Fly Lady processes from before
I got the book off of my bookshelf, does that count?

Things to Do for the Soul
53. Identify 101 things that make me happy. Scrap a page about it.

54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list

55. Walk in 3 fund raising events (Walk for the Animals, Breast Cancer, etc) [0/3]
I’m going to walk in the Relay for Life on July 31st.

Things to Pay It Forward / Random Acts of Kindness
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
57. Volunteer at one of the Dog Paw clean up events
58. Volunteer at 3 events of some kind (beach/trail clean up,etc.) [0/3]
59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [3/5]
Helped someone catch their dog
Gave a gift certificate to someone who wasn’t expecting it
Took flowers to a friend just because

60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [50,000/ 1,000,000]
I’ve lost track on this one, too. I haven’t done a good job of keeping track. I’ll have to come up with an idea of how to estimate how many I’ve done.

Things of a Legal Nature
61. Research setting up a living trust - is it something we should do?
62. Research and sign up for identity theft protection
63. Write a will
64. Write an advance directive
Haven’t done a single thing in this whole section.

Things I'd Like to Do Again
65. Go scuba diving
66. Go to Hawaii
67. Take Sophie lure coursing and/or racing
68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [5/5]
I’ve done tons of puzzles since I started my 1001 list. It’s been great to play with them again. I love sharing them with other people at work, too.

Things I'd Like to Buy
69. Get new computer
I keep dreaming!

Things I've Always Wanted to Do
70. See a skating event at the 2010 Olympics
71. See Rocky Horror Picture Show
72. Go to the Festival of Lights at the Grotto
73. Make a gingerbread house
74. See King Tut exhibit
Still no firm plans, but I really, really want to go to SFO this year.

75. Start a seahorse aquarium

Things of a Crafty Nature
76. Complete Mama's scrapbook
77. Complete Hawaii scrapbook
78. Complete at least one cross stitch project
79. Finish Mexico scrapbook
80. Finish baby blanket
I have at least found it. Now to finish it!

81. Scan all negatives into the computer and store on some kind of lasting media

Things I'd Just Like to Do
82. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Ann
83. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Mom
84. See the new elephant while it is still a baby at the Oregon Zoo
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.
88. Create a 48-hour emergency kit for people and pets
89. Complete 101 in 1001 list with an action plan for all goals
I don’t know why I haven’t completed this one. It’s so important and I haven’t gotten past the first section yet.

90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.
I sent in my applcation to take the CPS exam in November.

Things of a Letterboxing Nature
91. Letterbox in a state other than Washington or Oregon
92. Make and exchanges 10 LTC
93. Find all boxes at the Oregon Zoo
94. Find all boxes at Oxbow Park
95. Find 10 letterboxes that were planted before I started letterboxing [2/10]Found 2,

96. Find Broughton Bluff box
97. Find all letterboxes in the Musicians Series
I found all but one. And I planted one!

98. Complete the Mensa Series
99. Letterbox at Dartmoor and get my patch
100. Find all boxes in Vancouver
101. Finally get boxes to find list completed

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yay! I'm finally doing an update. Yay me!

So I've managed to do a few more items.

Greg & I have created our plan to get out of debt and have stated it.

We have just about completed replacing the floor in the blue room (again).

I did an additional act of kindness by taking some flowers to a friend. I know that doesn't sound much like an act of kindness, but since I did it because I thought she would like a pick me up and didn't think of it as an act of kindness untill later, I'm counting it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More Puzzles

More puzzles! Me and Sarah have been going to town on the puzzles. I think I can successfully say this one is DONE!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Just for fun I thought I'd post pictures of the puzzles I've completed. I doubt if you really care, but I took the pictures anyway.

It's really hard to take a decent picture of a puzzle on the flat table. These were the best I could do.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 6 wrap up

I usually post my wrap up on Sunday or Monday, but I totally forgot to do it this week. Ooops. Well here it is now.

I thought this week would be a good week to do a overall nice summary. So to date, I have managed to complete 9 items and start 21 items on my list. That still leaves 71 items that I haven’t touched yet, but I’ll get there. I’m impressed that I have completed 9 items in 6 weeks. I was thinking I wouldn’t do more than 1 a month or so. Of course, some of those were awfully easy and fun, but still, I did them, and I probably wouldn’t have if they weren’t on the list.

Items I have started
9. Lose 50 pounds [3/50]
Okay, not so much lately. Especially since I made those Almond Roca cookie bars the other day that have 1.5 cups of butter in them.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [2/5]
Making great progress on this one. I have two completed and two partway done.

20. Create plan to get out of debt
Working on it.

21. Create emergency fund
Working on it.

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
In progress.

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
Stopped using, need to destroy.

24. File taxes before March 15th
Have all the info ready, just need the appointment set up and to do it.

29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [2 of 12 months]
Done for January and February.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Started working on this. It’s a long-term project for sure.

35. Organize craft supplies and projects
Started working on this one, too. Won’t see any progress towards completion until we get the blue room floor done and can put stuff back in there.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76 /1001]
Working on it. Again, long-term project. Also needs some refining as a goal.

38. Completely organize my bedroom
Almost done. Just need to tidy up a few more things.

39. Organize iTunes library
Working on it. Long-term because I have so many stupid files now.

41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you canLong term project.
Working on it.

48. Organize office closet
I need to decide when to call this one done. I organized MY half, but Greg’s half plus, not so much. Do I want to worry about that side? Need to decide.

59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [1/5]
This needs some definition still.

60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [52,600 / 1,000,000]
I’ve probably donated a lot more than this, but I keep loosing track.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [3/5]
Love this one! I’ve done 3 now, plus one 750 piece one with Ann this week. Can’t count that one, though. But I have another 750 piece one I’m working on now, so if I add those two together they would be 1500 pieces, and I’ll count them as 1, I guess.

74. See King Tut exhibit
Making plans to go see the Tut exhibit later this year. Will need to seriously save some money and am not sure where that will come from yet. Tax refund? Maybe.

80. Finish baby blanket for Sally (not actually for Sally anymore since the kid is 3 months old now, but still)
I moved the container that has the blanket pieces in it this week, does that count? All I have to do is stitch the stupid thing together and it is done.

89. Complete 101 in 1001 list with an action plan for all goals
Really need to get this one going.

90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.
I went to my first IAAP meeting this week. Great group of people. I have determined that I will take the test in November for my CAP/CPS certification and plan to start studying for it in May once that budget brouhaha that is about to kick off around here dies off.

Items I have completed:
11. Take a knitting class
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy
32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
I went to SCRAP before I went to my IAAP meeting this week (kind of a two-for-one). That is a very, very cool place. I think it must have every kind of crafting and office supply item known to mankind. And the stuff is pretty cheap, too. It’s not fancy, but it’s cool.

So, got quite a lot to go still, but I’m pretty happy with my first 6 weeks. 136 weeks to go!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8th Update

Wow. Week 5.

This week I actually was able to cross off a couple of items. Small items, but a couple to cross off, anyway.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [.5/5]
Thanks to Charlene, I am almost done with my first blanket. It is all sewn together, I just need to go through and trim all the threads and do the fringe. I have a second blanket started, a third one ready to go, and fabric for 3 more. Now I just need to get going on them. In exchange, I’m helping Charlene with one of her blankets.

20. Create plan to get out of debt

21. Create emergency fund

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards

Still working on these three.

24. File taxes before March 15th

Have all the information gathered and the appointment set.

32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
I think I finally have this one all done.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Made a start on it by going through a few folders and deleting some old programs. Still have a long way to go though.

39. Organize iTunes library
I made a start on this one, too. I cleaned up a bunch of my soundtrack files with the proper artist names and some description info. Still have a long way to go on this one, too, but we’ll get there.

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more

I’m going to call this one done. I’ve unsubscribed from a bazillion email lists and reduced my junk mail. I’m sure I’ll find more that need unsubscribing as time goes on, but I’ve hit the majority of them now.

46. Set up closet system in my bedroom

I’m calling this one done as well. The “system” such as it is in place and working fine.

56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
This is a funny story. I decided on the way to work that I was going to pay for the person behind me in the drive up when I stopped to get my hot chocolate this morning. I also thought I should call my friend Charlene, who frequents the same place I do, but I didn’t have her cell phone number programmed into my new phone and I didn’t remember what she liked, so I decided I’d just catch her next time. When I got to the coffee kiosk I go to a van was pulling up on the other side just as I was handing over my money. So I told the barista to pay for that person’s order as well. Turned out it was my friend Char! Guess that one was meant to be.

59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [1/5]
I didn’t define out what a random act of kindness actually was here. Do you count just doing something nice like letting a person with less items than you go in front of you at the grocery store? Or does it have to be something that is a cost somehow to you but you do it anyway? Well, I’m counting giving a gift certificate I’d had for more than 3 years and never used to a friend that could use it as my first random act of kindness. She wasn’t expecting it at all, and I think it might have made her day.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [2/5]
Got my second one done this week. I remembered to take a picture of this one.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1 Update

Here it is, week 4 already. Time is already flying!

Again this week I worked on several items but can't quite cross any of them off.

9. Loose 50 pounds [3/50]
Haven't lost, haven't gained.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program
Still crocheting away.

20. Create plan to get out of debt
Seeing a new person to help next week (last one was a bust)

21. Create emergency fund
See #20

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
See #20

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
Stopped using, need to destroy.

24. File taxes before March 15th
Info is gathered, just need to make the appointment with the tax dude.

29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood
Got all the January ones done and have already prepped the February ones.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Started working on this one a little today. Not a lot, but a couple of files.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76/1001]
Worked on cleaning the office this week and threw away a ton of crap. I think I need to better identify what "un-needed" items actually are. If it's paperwork, I've reached my quota.

39. Organize iTunes library
Worked a little on this by downloading some stuff from my computer to the iPod so I can delete it off the computer.

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
I unsubscribed to a bunch of email lists this week. I had no idea how much junk email I got until I started unsubscribing. I should have kept track of how many there were. I bet I unsubscribed from at least 20 email lists. I think I should have made this goal more specific as well. I'll unsubscribe to a few more and then call it good.

41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you can
Did a little on this when cleaning the office. Threw away a ton of old crap. Threw more crap in a box to deal with later.

48. Organize office closet
Again, this one needs a little more identification. I'm not sure what I meant by "organize it." I cleaned up my side and tidied up the shelves, but G's side and the middle are still a mess. Do I really want to take that on?

60. 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [22,600/ 1,000,000]
Donated 2,600 grains of rice this week.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [1/5)
Finished puzzle number one this week and started puzzle number 2. Invited Ann over to play puzzles on President's Day for puzzle number 3. This is actually a fun goal!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25 Update

Week three has come and gone. I worked on several of my items, but didn't get anything crossed off. Here's what I worked on:

9. Loose 50 pounds [3/50]
Haven't lost anything, but I haven't gained anything either.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [0/5]
Been crocheting on my blanket for this.

20. Create plan to get out of debt
Went to see a financial advisor this week. Next week we will meet again and do more on this.

21. Create emergency fund
See #20.

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
See #20

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
See #20

32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
I started this one, but need to make sure I have them all before I can consider it done.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76/1001]

38. Completely organize my bedroom

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
I unsubscribed to about a zillion email lists this week. I'll have to see how many more are out there, but I think this one is almost done.

46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
Almost done!

51. Declutter each room in the house [1/10]
We cleaned everything out of the blue room this weekend, so I'm going to count that as decluttered.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [1/5)
I have about 50 pieces to put in on the puzzle I have at work and the first one will be done! I sure love puzzles.

80. Finish baby blanket for Sally
Not done, but I did pull it out and look at it to figure out how I want to finish it.

So, progress. Slow progress, but progress anyway.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19 Update

Okay, here we are at week 2. I got one thing crossed off on my list this week:

85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland

Yeah, this was kind of a lame one as far as things to do on the old 101 list since it was just something I wanted to do but didn't require a whole lot of effort on my part. But it's a really cool store and I bought 2 blanket projects for $10 that goes towards:

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program

Of course, in order to make these blankets I will have to do:

45. Get sewing machine fixed

But that's a good thing, right?

The blankets are pretty cool. They are packages of fleece already cut into pieces that are to be sewn together. I was totally stoked when I saw them and saw they were just $5 each. Unfortunately they are green and orange and cammo, but then since I like to knit and crochet with girly colors, I suppose some little boy will like it. Officer Buddy Bear is a really worthy project where police officers give bears and blankets to children who have suffered some kind of trauma that brings them into contact with the police. I'm excited to be a part of a group that helps them.

As far as items on the list that I have worked on, I did pretty good this week:

35. Organize craft supplies and projects
I went through all my yarn stuff and reorganized it. Found all my knitting needles and crochet hooks and put them where I can find them. Still have more to do, but it's a start!

38. Completely organize my bedroom
Been working on this one. I got the room all tidied up and cleaned. Well, then I trashed it again, but I'm making progress.

46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
Greg helped me with this one. I got the old closet racks out, the new ones in and the shelving unit it. I should post a picture of it, huh? Anyway, I still have to deal with the shoe issue and until that is done, I can't cross this one off. I did get a shoe rack this week, but it doesn't fit my door, so I need to try again.

60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [50,000/ 1,000,000]
I lost track of how many grains of rice I've donated so far. I've spent a lot of time on the site, but somehow am not doing a good job of keeping track. I'm estimating the 50,000, but feel confident that if anything that number is low. Oh, and did I tell you that they are only giving 10 grains of rice for each correct answer now and not 20?

80. Finish baby blanket for Sally
I got the blanket out this week and looked at what I need to do to finish it. I'm not sure I'm going to give it to Sally now, especially since the kid is 2 months old already, but I will finish the blanket. Maybe I'll give it to the next pregnant person that comes along at work. Except for the one I know that is up next that is a SNOT and I don't like and wouldn't give her bratty kid a dog biscuit.

I even managed to get some things done that aren't on the list but have been needing to be done. I got the trim piece put back on my car that's been off for about 2 years, got the inside of the car all cleaned and organized, helped Greg clean and move all the stuff in the living room so that we can move all the stuff from the blue room out there to start on the floor. That includes moving all my craft stuff, too. Some of it is in boxes, so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to work on number 35, but hey, we'll get there, right?

So I'm feeling pretty good about this week. Stay tuned for another scintillating update next week!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

One More!

My friend Stephanie has started her 101 in 1001 list, so I get to cross off one more on my list! So now I can cross off:

54. Inspire someone else to do the 101

Week 1 Recap

Well, here it is the end of week 1 of my 1001 days. I’ve made some progress this week. I got to cross off the following two items:

11. Take a knitting class
I took a knitting 101 class 1-8-08. I was kind of disappointed in it. The teacher was really nice, but she wasn’t all that great in actually teaching me how to knit. She kept getting confused.

19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy
Wendy took the knitting 101 class with me. It was nice to spend some time with her doing something crafty. We’ve always said we would, and now that we have, hopefully we can keep doing it.

I made progress on these items:

9. Loose 50 pounds [0/50]
Now 3/50

21. Create emergency fund of $5,000
Put some money in here – not much but some. And you nosy people don’t need to know how much. :-)

60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [20,000 / 1,000,000]
Yeah, I’ve been spending a bit too much time on this one, but I have donated 20,000 grains of rice so far.

90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it
I joined IAAP as my first step. I’m still researching the CAP certification and when I can take the test for it. I think it will be November, but I want to wait to decide on that until I get more info.

I changed this item:
58. Pick up all the poop I see at the dog park on 5 separate trips
58. Volunteer for something 3 times
Picking up poop is a thankless, endless task. I try to pick up extra when I see it, but I decided it was a better goal to do some volunteer work instead and pick up extra poop all the time. Oh, and the one that says volunteer for Dog Paw doesn’t count. That combines the poop picking up and volunteering into one goal.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

101 in 1001

You know me, I "borrow" stuff I see on other people's blogs all the time. Well, here is my new one. This one is called 101 in 1001.

Here's the idea:
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

I put my list up there for everyone to see in all its glory. If you are interested in using this idea as well, here is a web site to get more information and to help you do your goals. You will note that number 54 is "inspire someone else to do the 101 list" so if you decide to do one of your own, let me know so I can cross it off.

My plan is to update this site with my progress at least monthly to start with. I still need to do my action plans on each goal, but I have the list set up and ready to detail out.

I'm open for all comments and suggestions!

The List

Things to do with Travelling
1. Visit all Oregon Lighthouses [0/8]
2. Meet Deb somewhere for a girl's weekend
3. Visit Roswell, NM
4. Camp at Gilliland Ranch in Trout Lake
5. Have lunch or dinner at Camp 18. Spend time enjoying the history there.
6. Take Ann to the Oregon Garden
7. Go on vacation with a couple we like
8. Go to England

Things to do for Health
9. Loose 50 pounds [0/50]
10. Get anemia to normal level and keep it there for 6 months

Things to Learn or Create
11. Take a knitting class
12. Take a crocheting class
13. Take a digital photography class
14. Take a shooting class
15. Take a Adobe Photoshop Elements class or other digital scrapbooking class
16. Take a massage class
17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear programd
18. Take a loom knitting class
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy

Things to Do With Finances
20. Create plan to get out of debt
21. Create emergency fund of $5,000
22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
23. Cancel & destroy all credit cards
24. File taxes before March 15th
25. Donate $5 to charity for every uncompleted goal on this list

Things to Nurture Relationships
26. Have 'date night (or afternoon)' with Greg twice a month for 6 months
27. Call Jim & Pattie and make a date to get together with them
28. Get together with Bonnie for crafts or games
29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood
30. Make Christmas presents for family 2009
31. Do 30-day Husband Encouragement Challenge
32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts

Things to Organize
33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
34. Organize pictures into proper folders, add dates, add titles
35. Organize craft supplies and projects
36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from office
37. Create functional area to do and store crafts
38. Completely organize my bedroom
39. Organize iTunes library
40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you can

Things to Do Around the House
42. Fix blue room floor
43. Finish the floors once and for all time
44. Finish painting the family room / kitchen area
45. Get sewing machine fixed
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
47. Organize upstairs hall closet
48. Organize office closet
49. Put together dresser, decide where to put it and what to put in it and do it
50. Finish home remodel and sell house by Winter 2009
51. Declutter each room in the house
52. Re-read "Sink Reflections" and re-implement Fly Lady processes from before

Things to Do for the Soul
53. Identify 101 things that make me happy. Scrap a page about it.
54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list
55. Walk in 3 fund raising events (Walk for the Animals, Breast Cancer, etc)

Things to Pay It Forward / Random Acts of Kindness
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
57. Volunteer at one of the Dog Paw clean up events
58. Pick up all the poop I see at the dog park on 5 separate trips
59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness
60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com [8,800 / 1,000,000]

Things of a Legal Nature
61. Research setting up a living trust - is it something we should do?
62. Research and sign up for identity theft protection
63. Write a will
64. Write an advance directive

Things I'd Like to Do Again
65. Go scuba diving
66. Go to Hawaii
67. Take Sophie lure coursing and/or racing
68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [0/5)

Things I'd Like to Buy
69. Get new computer

Things I've Always Wanted to Do
70. See a skating event at the 2010 Olympics
71. See Rocky Horror Picture Show
72. Go to the Festival of Lights at the Grotto
73. Make a gingerbread house
74. See King Tut exhibit
75. Start a seahorse aquarium

Things of a Crafty Nature
76. Complete Mama's scrapbook
77. Complete Hawaii scrapbook
78. Complete at least one cross stitch project
79. Finish Mexico scrapbook
80. Finish baby blanket for Sally
81. Scan all negatives into the computer and store on some kind of lasting media

Things I'd Just Like to Do
82. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Ann
83. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Mom
84. See the new elephant while it is still a baby at the Oregon Zoo
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.
88. Create a 48-hour emergency kit for people and pets
89. Complete 101 in 1001 list with an action plan for all goals
90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it

Things of a Letterboxing Nature
91. Letterbox in a state other than Washington or Oregon
92. Make and exchanges 10 LTC
93. Find all boxes at the Oregon Zoo
94. Find all boxes at Oxbow Park
95. Find 10 letterboxes that were planted before I started letterboxing [0/10]
96. Find Broughton Bluff box
97. Find all letterboxes in the Musicians Series
98. Complete the Mensa Series
99. Letterbox at Dartmoor and get my patch
100. Find all boxes in Vancouver
101. Finally get boxes to find list completed