Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 6 wrap up

I usually post my wrap up on Sunday or Monday, but I totally forgot to do it this week. Ooops. Well here it is now.

I thought this week would be a good week to do a overall nice summary. So to date, I have managed to complete 9 items and start 21 items on my list. That still leaves 71 items that I haven’t touched yet, but I’ll get there. I’m impressed that I have completed 9 items in 6 weeks. I was thinking I wouldn’t do more than 1 a month or so. Of course, some of those were awfully easy and fun, but still, I did them, and I probably wouldn’t have if they weren’t on the list.

Items I have started
9. Lose 50 pounds [3/50]
Okay, not so much lately. Especially since I made those Almond Roca cookie bars the other day that have 1.5 cups of butter in them.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [2/5]
Making great progress on this one. I have two completed and two partway done.

20. Create plan to get out of debt
Working on it.

21. Create emergency fund
Working on it.

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
In progress.

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
Stopped using, need to destroy.

24. File taxes before March 15th
Have all the info ready, just need the appointment set up and to do it.

29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [2 of 12 months]
Done for January and February.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Started working on this. It’s a long-term project for sure.

35. Organize craft supplies and projects
Started working on this one, too. Won’t see any progress towards completion until we get the blue room floor done and can put stuff back in there.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76 /1001]
Working on it. Again, long-term project. Also needs some refining as a goal.

38. Completely organize my bedroom
Almost done. Just need to tidy up a few more things.

39. Organize iTunes library
Working on it. Long-term because I have so many stupid files now.

41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you canLong term project.
Working on it.

48. Organize office closet
I need to decide when to call this one done. I organized MY half, but Greg’s half plus, not so much. Do I want to worry about that side? Need to decide.

59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [1/5]
This needs some definition still.

60. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at [52,600 / 1,000,000]
I’ve probably donated a lot more than this, but I keep loosing track.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [3/5]
Love this one! I’ve done 3 now, plus one 750 piece one with Ann this week. Can’t count that one, though. But I have another 750 piece one I’m working on now, so if I add those two together they would be 1500 pieces, and I’ll count them as 1, I guess.

74. See King Tut exhibit
Making plans to go see the Tut exhibit later this year. Will need to seriously save some money and am not sure where that will come from yet. Tax refund? Maybe.

80. Finish baby blanket for Sally (not actually for Sally anymore since the kid is 3 months old now, but still)
I moved the container that has the blanket pieces in it this week, does that count? All I have to do is stitch the stupid thing together and it is done.

89. Complete 101 in 1001 list with an action plan for all goals
Really need to get this one going.

90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.
I went to my first IAAP meeting this week. Great group of people. I have determined that I will take the test in November for my CAP/CPS certification and plan to start studying for it in May once that budget brouhaha that is about to kick off around here dies off.

Items I have completed:
11. Take a knitting class
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy
32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
I went to SCRAP before I went to my IAAP meeting this week (kind of a two-for-one). That is a very, very cool place. I think it must have every kind of crafting and office supply item known to mankind. And the stuff is pretty cheap, too. It’s not fancy, but it’s cool.

So, got quite a lot to go still, but I’m pretty happy with my first 6 weeks. 136 weeks to go!

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