Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1 Update

Here it is, week 4 already. Time is already flying!

Again this week I worked on several items but can't quite cross any of them off.

9. Loose 50 pounds [3/50]
Haven't lost, haven't gained.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program
Still crocheting away.

20. Create plan to get out of debt
Seeing a new person to help next week (last one was a bust)

21. Create emergency fund
See #20

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
See #20

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards
Stopped using, need to destroy.

24. File taxes before March 15th
Info is gathered, just need to make the appointment with the tax dude.

29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood
Got all the January ones done and have already prepped the February ones.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Started working on this one a little today. Not a lot, but a couple of files.

36. Sell, donate, or throw away 1001 broken or un-needed items from house [76/1001]
Worked on cleaning the office this week and threw away a ton of crap. I think I need to better identify what "un-needed" items actually are. If it's paperwork, I've reached my quota.

39. Organize iTunes library
Worked a little on this by downloading some stuff from my computer to the iPod so I can delete it off the computer.

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
I unsubscribed to a bunch of email lists this week. I had no idea how much junk email I got until I started unsubscribing. I should have kept track of how many there were. I bet I unsubscribed from at least 20 email lists. I think I should have made this goal more specific as well. I'll unsubscribe to a few more and then call it good.

41. Organize paperwork into logical files - scan or get rid of what you can
Did a little on this when cleaning the office. Threw away a ton of old crap. Threw more crap in a box to deal with later.

48. Organize office closet
Again, this one needs a little more identification. I'm not sure what I meant by "organize it." I cleaned up my side and tidied up the shelves, but G's side and the middle are still a mess. Do I really want to take that on?

60. 1,000,000 grains of rice at [22,600/ 1,000,000]
Donated 2,600 grains of rice this week.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [1/5)
Finished puzzle number one this week and started puzzle number 2. Invited Ann over to play puzzles on President's Day for puzzle number 3. This is actually a fun goal!

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