Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8th Update

Wow. Week 5.

This week I actually was able to cross off a couple of items. Small items, but a couple to cross off, anyway.

17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [.5/5]
Thanks to Charlene, I am almost done with my first blanket. It is all sewn together, I just need to go through and trim all the threads and do the fringe. I have a second blanket started, a third one ready to go, and fabric for 3 more. Now I just need to get going on them. In exchange, I’m helping Charlene with one of her blankets.

20. Create plan to get out of debt

21. Create emergency fund

22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight

23. Stop using & destroy all credit cards

Still working on these three.

24. File taxes before March 15th

Have all the information gathered and the appointment set.

32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
I think I finally have this one all done.

33. Organize hard drive by creating new folders and cleaning up old documents
Made a start on it by going through a few folders and deleting some old programs. Still have a long way to go though.

39. Organize iTunes library
I made a start on this one, too. I cleaned up a bunch of my soundtrack files with the proper artist names and some description info. Still have a long way to go on this one, too, but we’ll get there.

40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more

I’m going to call this one done. I’ve unsubscribed from a bazillion email lists and reduced my junk mail. I’m sure I’ll find more that need unsubscribing as time goes on, but I’ve hit the majority of them now.

46. Set up closet system in my bedroom

I’m calling this one done as well. The “system” such as it is in place and working fine.

56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
This is a funny story. I decided on the way to work that I was going to pay for the person behind me in the drive up when I stopped to get my hot chocolate this morning. I also thought I should call my friend Charlene, who frequents the same place I do, but I didn’t have her cell phone number programmed into my new phone and I didn’t remember what she liked, so I decided I’d just catch her next time. When I got to the coffee kiosk I go to a van was pulling up on the other side just as I was handing over my money. So I told the barista to pay for that person’s order as well. Turned out it was my friend Char! Guess that one was meant to be.

59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [1/5]
I didn’t define out what a random act of kindness actually was here. Do you count just doing something nice like letting a person with less items than you go in front of you at the grocery store? Or does it have to be something that is a cost somehow to you but you do it anyway? Well, I’m counting giving a gift certificate I’d had for more than 3 years and never used to a friend that could use it as my first random act of kindness. She wasn’t expecting it at all, and I think it might have made her day.

68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [2/5]
Got my second one done this week. I remembered to take a picture of this one.

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