Wysiwyg Girl

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well, I kind of lost my oompf in the last, uh, year for my 101 in 1001. Here we are with the 1001 days gone by (plus a few extra). I didn't do so well on getting stuff on here crossed off, did I?

It's funny how a lot of the things I didn't do aren't very important to me any more.

Am I going to do it again? You bet! I'm working on the list as we speak. Watch this space for more on that.

I'll post a summary of what I did manage to accomplish soon.

Thanks for supporting me with my goals, everyone!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Uh oh. It's been almost a year since my last post on here. How did that happen? I swear I just updated you, little blog!

I have just under 11 months left to finish my list. I'm not going to get them all done, I can tell. Still, it's been good to have this list and I think I will revise my list and start over when this one ends.

As I read through my list, I realize how much of it has changed. Yes, some of those things I'd like to do someday, but not right now. Life and Greg's health has changed some of it. We are still working on the house remodel which has sucked the fun out of everything for the past 8 months. So I'm not going to feel too badly and still having a large number of items unfinished when the 1001 days end. It's been good to have a roadmap and I think it's good to have goals change.

I think the only thing I managed to do last year was to do another Random Act of Kindness. Sheesh. Oh, wait! We do have the floors finished. And we Finished painting the family room / kitchen area. And I got my sewing machine fixed. Look at that!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Moving Right Along

Well, it's a new year and I've already crossed off a few more of my list items.

29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [12 of 12 months]
I got this one done and plan to continue on in the new year. I'm crossing it off because the goal was to do it for one year. But It was so good, I'm going to keep it up.

69. Get new computer
I had enought money from gift certificates and my Costco rebate (plus a little birthday money) to FINALLY get a new computer. It is soooo nice!

74. See King Tut exhibit
Ann & I went to the exhibit in January 2010. It rocked!

82. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Ann
I count taking the train to SFO and spending two full days down there and then taking the train back as a full day out devoted to fun stuff.

And here is a start on another goal:
58. Volunteer at 3 events of some kind (beach/trail clean up,etc.) [1/3]
In January 2010 I went and volunteered at Snow Cap charity in Gresham sorting food donations. It was actually pretty hard work, but very rewarding. I will definately be doing something like this again.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Two More

I got to cross off two more items on my list!

I was just informed I passed my CPS test, so I have completed:
90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.


And we finally did #47: Organize upstairs hall closet. Let me tell you how nice that is!

Movin' right along.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hey, I haven't done an update on here for a while. I really don't know where the time goes. So let's catch up!

Today I went and took the Certified Professional Secretary test. This covers #90 on the list: Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it. The test is a three part test that covers Management, Office Administration and Office Systems and Technology. I didn't prepare for the test very well, even though I've known I was going to take the test since July. I don't think I did that well, especially on the Management one. I spent a lot of time thinking "I have no freaking idea what the answer to this question is." Hopefully, I passed the other two. The test is given twice a year, and if I fail one part of it I can retake it again. Keep your fingers crossed that I managed to squeak by with a passing grade. I really don't want to have to do this again in May.

Anyway, let's look at what is completed on the list:

11. Take a knitting class
17. Make 5 blankets for Officer Buddy Bear program [5/5]
19. Take a craft class of some kind with Wendy
20. Create plan to get out of debt
21. Create emergency fund
22. Develop a budget and stick to it for 30 days straight
24. File taxes before March 15th
29. Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [11 of 12 months]
32. Find out all family birthdays, anniversaries, and contact info and put on calendar / contacts
35. Organize craft supplies and projects
40. Unsubscribe to all email lists you don't use any more
42. Fix blue room floor
46. Set up closet system in my bedroom
54. Inspire someone else to do the 101 list
55. Walk in 3 fund raising events (Walk for the Animals, Breast Cancer, etc) [2/3]
56. Pay for the person behind me in the drive up
59. Do 5 completely random acts of kindness [3/5]
67. Take Sophie lure coursing and/or racing
68. Do 5 puzzles (1000 pieces or more) [5/5]
83. Have a full day out devoted to fun stuff with Mom
84. See the new elephant while it is still a baby at the Oregon Zoo
85. Visit craft thrift store Knitn Kitten 7530 NE Glisan Portland
86. Visit SCRAP
87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.
90. Look into getting Administrative Assistant certification of some kind - and do it.
95. Find 10 letterboxes that were planted before I started letterboxing [6/10]

Getting there!

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Do You All Think?

Last night Greg & I went out to dinner to a restaurant we've gone to many times before. I had a coupon for a free entree if you bought 2 drinks and other other entree. We decided not to buy drinks, so I didn't use the coupon. As I was leaving, I gave the coupon to the four people at the table across from us who looked like they did meet the coupon rules. They were very surprised and seemed pleased. Do you think I can count this as a random act of kindness? It was one of those things I didn't even think about, I just did it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I walked in the Relay for Life this past Friday. So I get to check off one number 55 - Walk in 3 fund raising events. Whee!

I also get to check off 23 (Stop using & destroy all credit cards). I shredded every one of those suckers.

And number 29 (Send birthday cards to all work, family, and Sisterhood [7 of 12 months]) moves to 7 of 12 months

And I started number 87. Participate in National Blog Posting Month for one month. If you like it, do it again.

Movin' right along.